Lead Generation in Quebec, Canada
What we call lead generation or sales prospecting describes the process of acquiring prospects from multiple digital channels.
It is a set of strategies, actions and tools that our team at Adjemson Canada, based in Quebec, will meticulously put in place to get potential B2B or B2C clients to manifest (email address, telephone number, name, etc. .) clearly their interest in purchasing your product or service.
Lead generation brings prospects in a constant and much more natural flow to your sales funnel. This allows your potential customers to come to you instead of you going to them.
Our inbound lead generation strategies offer you a great way to get better results and spend less in the long run.
Our Objective in Lead Generation in Canada?
Our commercial prospecting B2B or B2C approach aims to help you gain new prospects who are concretely interested in your product x or your service y.
We gradually deliver these prospects during the contractual period after the launch of the campaign.
Our estimate of the acquisition cost of 01 Lead following our online deployments is influenced by:
Our lead generation can be focused on corporate (B2B) and/or individual (B2C) targets.
The sectors that our Lead Generation team in Quebec - Canada accept:
B2B or B2C Lead Generation :
We will have an understanding of your industry, in order to develop the best strategy tailored to your target market and ideal buyers.
This will involve reaching your targets where they are most present on the internet. We will use: SEO and Pay Per Click Advertising.
We will implement actions to move Internet users through the sales funnel and explain the value you offer to your customers.
Our team will ensure that we generate, qualify and rate leads in line with the objectives of your activity or company.
Types of Leads:
Types of qualified B2B or B2C leads
These are prospects who have just entered your company's ecosystem through a Lead Magnet or other low-level offering (webinar or free email content).
They are part of your target market, but they need to be reassured about you and better understand the added value linked to purchasing your products or services.
These leads are hot. They've been reading your emails, reviewing your storefronts, and consuming your content for a while now.
They understand who you are and what you actually offer. They have some level of interest in your products or services, but are still looking for proof.
These are prospects ready to connect with your sales team and buy.
in Lead Generation in Canada
We know that when it comes to lead generation, one size does not fit all. At Adjemson Canada, our team based in Quebec, will develop a personalized strategy around inbound marketing and specially adapted to your business.
Do you want to have Qualified Leads in Canada?
Pack suitable for an Offer whose monthly turnover must be between $5,000 - $10,000.
Pack suitable for an Offer whose monthly turnover must be between $10,000 - $15,000.
Pack suitable for an Offer whose monthly turnover must be more than $20,000. You have the equivalent of an online sales representative.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about Lead Generation :
A lead is a new prospect who expresses interest in your product or service. The lead is said to be qualified when it corresponds to your internal commercial objectives and criteria.
There are several types of leads, we have explained them above: Click here.
Lead generation refers to the strategies used to interest people in your business's products or services and identify potential new customers.
It involves attracting potential customers to your business and increasing their interest for your services or products by continually creating quality marketing materials. You allow these potential customers to potentially express interest in your business by providing their contact information, making them a lead.
Digital Marketing Services
More than 02 years under contract for my company Grouillez-vous in Canada - Quebec. I really appreciated their work.
Adjemson Canada delivered everything he said and did it on time! All the leads delivered were very simple!
Marketing Specialist chez ABYL CABLE COMPANY
I recommend your social media content strategy. We didn't have that results before.
Manager chez MARK & ANALYTICS
Adjemson Canada brought rigor to the content strategy on social networks. We didn't have that before.
Manager Sales chez PANWIID
Adjemson Canada is always on time with its deliverables around digital marketing.
Directeur du MARKETING
I appreciated the strategic leadership and support in content production.
Créatrice de Contenu & TikTokeuse
Contact us here
Adjemson Canada, exists to help businesses based in Quebec, Montreal and others cities in Canada to grow quickly through digital marketing actions.
Digital Marketing Services?
You will no longer be required to acquire expensive infrastructure and/or software to achieve results.
We know what works in your context.
You are no longer limited by distance for the execution and monitoring of work.
The volume of your results will no longer be limited by the size of your internal marketing force.
Your investments will be easily estimated and negotiable regarding the actions to be taken.
You will work directly with one or more dedicated specialists.
Our Other Digital Marketing Services in Canada
Deployment to generate clear interest from prospects for your products or services in Canada...
For online marketing deployments such as: SEO, SEA, social media marketing, web advertising, etc.
1677 Route de l’aéroport
125, L’ancienne-Lorette – Quebec, Canada.
© 2023, Adjemson Canada. All rights reserved.